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Communicate with Impact - In Every Situation....


Media Training, Print and TV interview practice, Presentation Training, Writing Training
Presentation and Public Speaking Coaching​
Media Training, Print and TV interview practice, Presentation Training, Roadshow Training
Pitch Preparation & Delivery

​Many presentations are dull and uninspiring - but they don't have to be. Our coaching sessions give you the tools, techniques, and practice to take your presentations to the next level – whatever your experience.

Presentation sessions are tailored to the needs of each client, whether it is a refresher to shine at an event, or a series of sessions to progressively build skills.

​*Create persuasive, dynamic presentations that will inspire your audience

*Increase your confidence to speak in front of a range of situations, both informal and formal

*Infuse your presentations with energy


*Speak with more ease and grace while allowing your personality to shine through


*How do you come across to others? Improve your non-verbals - body language, voice, and posture




​Effective pitching can make the difference between winning new clients or losing a potential client. Unfortunately, many pitches simply don't work, resulting in missed business opportunities.

We help build compelling pitches that differentiate you from the competition, by telling a better story that inspires and motivates your clients.


*Prepare client-centered communication that engages your audience

*Learn to really listen to the client, by decoding verbal and non-verbal cues


*Keep composure under pressure / tough client questions


​*Develop the tools to deliver your message with confidence and credibility


*Working as a Team: Pitch Dynamics

Writing Coaching

To earn credibility and get the results you want, you must write with clarity and conviction. In an environment where there’s no time for wasted words or miscommunication, clear writing is essential.


Organized, persuasive writing allows you to break through the clutter to get your message heard.


*Compose documents that get attention and prompt action


*Write concise, clear emails, documents and research reports that impact your readers


*Inject your writing with more creativity, while removing complexity


All writing sessions are tailored to the individual or  group, incorporating journalistic techniques to make writing accessible, clearer and more compelling.

Media Training, Print and TV interview practice, Presentation Training, Writing Training
Customized Communication Programs


Below is a sampling of select communication programs tailored for clients:


*Productive Morning Meetings: Research Analysts & Salesforces


*Message Development Workshops


*Injecting Creativity Into  Research Reports


*Client Relationship Building


*Emailing for Business


*Award Pitch Coaching


*Hedge Fund Pitching: Content and Delivery


*Training for IPO Roadshows



For outlines of sessions, or to discuss a tailored communication program, please email or call 1 212 918 4563

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